Monday, July 9, 2007

Here are a few questions that my friend is dealing with and these are my answers as well as the answers that the Bible provides...
Q: If lifes struggles only make you stronger why do I feel so weak?
A: Going thru the struggle will make you feel weak. You won't get stronger until after. It is like working out... when you are working out it hurts and your muscle aches, but it is making you stronger in the process.

Q: If I have so much potential how come I can't see it?
A: It isn't something you can see, it is just something that you have.

Q: Why do I deserve gods grace?
A: You DON'T! nobody does.

Q: Who am I to say I'm worthy?
A: You aren't but God loves you and that is why you are worth it to Him.

Q: Why are seemingly easy decisions so hard to make?
A: Because we spend too much time thinking about how it is going to affect the rest of our lives. Just make a decision and get over it.

Q: If my future is so bright how come it looks so gloomy?
A: You may be in the tunnel where you can see the end but the while your in it, it is scary and dark and gloomy. Get it?

Q: Why do I try so hard at school if all it will lead me to is a job that I will eventually dislike?
A: That isn't why you go to school. You should pick a job you like and will love doing for the rest of your life. You would be stupid to pick a job you are going to dislike.

Q: Why do I work so hard to develope talents that will lead me to nothing in the future?
A: Developing talents is never a waste of time. God gave you those talents so you could use them and developing them is good stewardship over what God has given you.

Q: Why cant I feel adequate, successfull, Worthy, or meaningfull?
A: You can't the world make you feel that way, God is the only opinion that matters. Focus on what He sees in you and that is what is true. He sees a revolution starter, Difference-maker, and world-changer in you and so do I. Don't get discouraged.

Q: If I'm making an impact on the world how come I cant see the change?
A: Any impact you make on another person has teh potential to impact others as well. It takes time. Not everything is immediate. You are making an impact even it is one small step at a time.

Q: Why has constantly doing the things I love made them feel less than?
A: Sometimes overdoing things does make it seem like that, but it doesn't mean you really love them less. It just means you need to try that same thing a different way or so.

Q: How can anyone believe in me if I don't believe in myself?
A: You'd be surprised how God uses the weak. I've felt so inadequate at times and God still put me in places where I didn't think I deserved to be because I felt I wasn't right spiritually. Guess what God used me more than I could've imagined possible.

Q: Why do I feel so alone?
A: This one I honestly can't answer for you.

Q: How come the closer I get to success the farther it seems?
A: I can't answer this either.

Q: How come I cant be happy for myself?
A: You can, but the only way to do that is to Find out who you are in Christ and know that that is all that matters.

Q: Why do I feel like im doin the right things for the wrong reasons?
A: Everybody has done that at times. I've done that before. It is all bout keeping a humble heart. Humility is not a destination, but a process that takes time. It is never complete because Pride can step in any time.

Q: Why am I never satisfied?
A: You should never be satisfied with where you are. Always be willing to grow and learn and become better. Christ does ultimately satisfy though; He satisfies the emptiness that is in everybody before they realize the truth.

Q: What is true happiness?
A: I can't tell you; that is something you find out for yourself.

Q: Why has the word Love become so meaningless?
A: Our current media based society that is bent on materialism, hedonsim, and relativism has made it this way because they don't know what true love is because they are ignorant of our Savior.

Q: Why do i always fall for the girl I cant have?
A: You need to get you priorities straight. You don't even need a girl right now. I'm not dating until I'm 21, and God has blessed me with a girl who is willing to wait that long. What a blessing. Here's the catch. A real woman of God is what you want, but they want a real Man of GOD. Make God your focal point and that perfect girl will come around. Just wait. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit.

Q: How come no matter how good I do, or how hard I try I never feel good enough for ME???
A: I can't answer this one.

Look dude those are the answers I can provide. I'm here for you and I'm praying for you. I love you and GOD loves you even more than you can dream possible.

That's all I got for now

Wesman out


Anonymous said...

I hope this friend was significantly helped through this awesome Q&A. Hope you're doing well dude. Keep on praying!

Knight of Zion said...

Q: Why do I feel so alone?
A: Your not alone you just believe that you are because you have a standard for not being alone that is above what will happen. God is there for you, and you have people all around you. Loneliness is a matter of perspective. If you feel alone, than your perspective on what "not alone" is, is screwed up. After all, you have Wes. Therefore you are not alone.

Q:How come the closer I get to success the farther it seems?

A: Again this is a perspective question. Sometimes, when we move forward in our goals we have new goals added on. Also, who's to say that what your defining as success is actually success? Suppose that maybe your "success" is far from God because of that the closer you get to your "success" the farther you are from the success God wants to you be at. The materialist defines success as something to do with a material thing. They think that that success will provide them with happiness, however it is of no substance, and it cannot help someone to be happy. In order to have true success you must be true to yourself, and only God can help you do that. When you trust him, and make his goals your goals, you will find that you are successful. Sometimes, your already at the point you need to be to be "successful" but living in a materialistic world depreciates what is true success, and puts a false image (one that is unattainable) of success in your mind.

Peace out,
Knight of Zion.